Thursday, October 17, 2013

Whole30: Dag 11

1 kopp örtte med 1 tsk kokosolja

Köttfärslimpa med blandad sallad och olivolja

1 kopp örtte med 1 tsk kokosolja
2 kokta ägg
1 morot

Paprikasoppa med stekt kyckling och ruccola

Idag har det varit lite jobbigt - jag är sugen på "förbjudna" saker hela tiden... Jag som i vanliga fall inte är speciellt sötsugen har idag haft cravings för massa sött: kanelbullar, choklad, cheesecake, pekannötswienebröd (hur kom jag ens att tänka på det??? Tror inte jag har ätit det på 10 år!)... och massa annat. 
Men tydligen är det helt normalt, och dag 10-11 är de svåraste dagarna enligt denna listan. Det stämmer så otroligt väl: "Fact: you are most likely to quit your Whole30 program on Day 10 or 11. By this point, the newness of the program has worn off. You’ve made it through most of the unpleasant physical milestones, but you’ve yet to experience any of the “magic” the program promises. You’re still struggling to establish your new routine (read: you’ve eaten eggs prepared ten different ways over the last ten days), and while you’ve been trying really hard to have a good attitude, today you are incredibly aware of all the foods you’re “choosing not to eat right now.” Everywhere you look, you see the things you “can’t” have: the melted cheese on a greasy burger, the creaminess of that double-scoop cone, the cold beer in your best friend’s tailgate cooler. Dammit, this is hard! And right now you’re wondering if the results will really be as good as “they” all say it is.
You’re cranky, you’re impatient, and you’re really, really tempted to just eat the stupid cheese.
This is where you really start to experience the psychological hold that your food habits have on you. You’ve put in a lot of effort to get to where you are right now, but you’re still waiting for the results you’re hoping to see. Your  brain tells you that you deserve some kind of reward (don’t you?) and, of course, we’ve been conditioned to think of food as the best reward out there. Right now, you’re craving that ice cream, beer, or whatever treat you think would make for just the right reward. But, instead of that treat, you’re standing face to face with the realization that you have 20 more days of deprivation ahead of you."
Det jag ville äta
Det jag faktiskt åt

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